
You want your kids to know the goodness and kindness of God through Jesus; we do too. MBC will partner with you to teach them truths that work towards helping them build a foundation based upon the hope found in God. 

We have something for all ages on Sunday mornings: Nursery (0-2), Children's Church (up to age 8), and Sunday School (K-12). Our classroom environments, activities, and materials are age appropriate as our goal is to help make God's word accessible. 

We not only want to help your kids learn about Jesus, we also want them to build friendships and see familiar faces each week. So we work to train and direct our staff and volunteers.

Additionally, those who minister to minors go through an application process which includes interviews, reference checks, and background checks. On Sunday mornings, each child is checked in and receives a name badge and security code that matches the one given to the parent.

We also have an AWANA club that meets at our church every Wednesday, September through April. AWANA is a ministry geared towards 3-12 year olds whose primary goal is to teach kids about Jesus in a relational setting. There are three age groups:

  • Cubbies (3 & 4 year olds) 
  • Sparks (K-2nd Grade)
  • Truth & Training (3rd-6th Grades)