Time and Location

We meet at 201 S Main Street, in Verona, WI. 

Our worship service begins at 10:15 AM on Sunday and usually ends between 11:30 and 11:45 AM. 

We provide Sunday school for kids ages 4-18, as well as an adult discipleship hour at 9:00 AM. 

Nursery is also available during the Sunday School and Worship hours.


Worship isn't just singing together on Sunday morning, but it certainly includes that. When we gather together at Memorial, we worship through singing, the proclamation of the Word, prayer, and Communion. These elements are a part of every Sunday gathering, and they reflect the overflow of the daily worship of our lives as a result of what God has done for us through Christ Jesus. 

When we are singing, we enjoy a mix of traditional hymns, modern hymns, and contemporary songs. 


We have communion each week at Memorial. This is because we love remembering what Jesus has done for us through his life, death and resurrection and we believe celebrating communion weekly is an excellent way for us to be corporately called back to and reminded of our first love. 

If you are a believer in Christ, we invite you to join us in participating in this celebration of the work of Christ on the cross.  Looking for more details? - Each week we explain the significance of it, as well as the logistics of how we celebrate communion at MBC.

Teaching from Scripture

We believe that practical, relevant teaching is a significant means of transformation in an individual's life. Because Scripture is God's very words to his people, trustworthy, and our authority regarding Christian beliefs and the guide for Christian living, we teach from the Bible each week.

We not only preach from the Scriptures, we pray in response to them, read portions of them when we gather, and sing songs whose foundation is in them. In all of these ways we are seeking to be taught by God from His word. 

Child Care and Ministry

For children 0-18 years old, nursery and children's ministry are available during the service and Sunday School hours. The Check-In center for our Children's Ministry is in the lobby and the volunteer waiting there will help you know where to go. 

Children's Church, a teaching time for 3-7 year olds, takes places during the teaching time of our service and includes singing with motions, Bible teaching, and fun. 

We also have a private area for nursing mothers. 

Our volunteers are all screened through background checks and security personnel monitor the building during the services. 

Visit Us On Church Center

We use an app called Church Center for church family communication, engagement, and updates. We invite you to check us out on Church Center.  Find it on the App Store or on Google Play.

Our Hope

At Memorial Baptist Church, we like to say that we are group of sinful people, making up a sinful church, worshiping a perfect God. We don't have everything figured out but we do seek to honor and follow the God who does.  

We hope that through visiting with us, you will experience the peace, love and joy that comes from a community of people who love Jesus.